Waupaca Wisconsin

Clear water is the literal meaning of the name. You can search the world without finding friendlier people, more solid personal values, or such rustic serenity. Waupaca is what America used to be--what Jefferson said it was meant to be--and what Dave hopes it can be again. Here you'll find band concerts on the town square, paddlewheel cruising, county fairs, people playing sports instead of watching them-- unless you like to root for your town's baseball team against that nine from just up the road--a place that cherishes the best from its past while building an even better future.


Chain O' Lakes

Waupaca's chain of 22 sparkling interconnected spring-fed lakes were left behind by the receding glaciers of the Ice Age. The chain has been a favored gathering place since before the Menomonees named them for their pristine clarity. From here, you can float your canoe down the Crystal River, and continue all the way to the Atlantic. But it's more fun to stay here, swin, sail, ski, skate, scuba, windsurf, float, fish, hunt, golf, hike, bike, or anything else you can think of doing out of doors.


